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Enjoyment of Giving, ICNA Distributes Donations to Refugees

Give. A simple four-letter word that holds thousands of feelings. There are many different kinds of giving; you can give money, products, time, and many other things. It does not matter, what is important is just to give. 


In December 2020, I drove my car to Dallas, Texas to attend the Winter Drive-thru Distribution sponsored and organized by the ICNA Relief organization. When I arrived at the distribution, I found out that it was in the street of a refugee residential complex. It was winter, however, it is Texas, so it was a sunny and hot day. 


Why does this distribution happen in the street and not in the organization’s office? The answer is to make it easier for the refugees to get the provided items. Not having a car or much money for transportation to go to the office made the organization decide to bring themselves to the refugees. I like this idea because one of the important things in charity is to make people’s life easier.  


In this event, the organization’s team and volunteers distributed many donations such as jackets, masks, socks, gloves, halal chicken, hot meals and pizza, personal hygiene products, and home cleaning kits. Inside this photo story, you will see parts of what happened in this event and know more about refugees’ culture.   

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